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  The French International School of Beijing (LFIP) was founded in 1967. It currently has over a thousand pupils from 40 different nationalities from pre-school to Terminale.

    Our school is part of the Agency for French Teaching Abroad (AEFE) network, comprising 494 schools in 135 countries. This network puts a strong emphasis on universal values : tolerance, humanism, equal opportunity, intellectual curiosity and the development of critical thinking. It allow pupils to follow a continuous education, from pre-school to the French Baccalaureate, anywhere in the world.

  Our school is also one of the 19 international schools in Beijing authorised to teach foreign children.

    Our teaching conforms to the curriculum provided by the French National Ministry of Education and the plurilingual educational objectives of the AEFE. Our educational goals are based on the learning of languages from early ages.

  北京的法国国际学校(LFIP)成立于1967年。 目前有超过一千名学生来自40个不同国籍从学前到终端纤维。

  我们学校是法国海外教学机构的一部分(AEFE)网络,由494个国家的494所学校。 这个网络非常强调普世价值:宽容,人文主义,机会均等,求知欲和批判性思维的发展。 它允许学生遵循一个连续的教育,从幼儿园到法国的学士学位,在世界任何地方。


  我们的教学符合法国国民教育部提供的课程和plurilingual AEFE的教育目标。 我们的教育目标是基于从早期的学习语言。